As the result of our long-term relationship with the Town of Groton – we’ve been working in town since our founding in 1989 – Nitsch has been providing technical assistance to the Town for two Complete Streets projects. These projects include the design of pedestrian improvements along various roads throughout the Town, utilizing Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Complete Streets funding. We assisted the Town with their funding applications through the Complete Streets Program, and provided transportation engineering and land surveying for the designs.
In Phase 1, Nitsch designed a new hot mix asphalt (HMA) sidewalk on Long Hill Road, connecting Groton Place to Riverbend Drive, thereby extending the existing sidewalk network from the Town Center to Groton Place. We also designed pedestrian crossing improvements at eight separate locations along Main Street to improve safety and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Improvements included sidewalk reconstruction, wheelchair ramps construction, pavement markings and signage, and Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).
Phase 2, which is ongoing, includes designing sidewalks along West Main Street (Route 225), including ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps and two painted crosswalks across West Main Street; the construction of a sidewalk along the north side of Lowell Road; and a sidewalk along the north side of Peabody Street that connects to an existing section of sidewalk that extends from Temple Drive.
Key Collaborator
Owner: Town of Groton