Nitsch provided design and construction administration services to support the reconstruction of a section of Trapelo Road. The overarching goal of this project was to provide uninterrupted pedestrian connectivity between two major intersections and improve safety along the corridor.
A component of our work on this project involved presenting the project design to the Waltham community at a public information meeting. Comments received from concerned stakeholders and abutters at the meeting were integrated into the design wherever possible and as required by the City. The resulting design included the construction of new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant pedestrian ramps with crosswalks, construction of new retaining walls, relocation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs), a new guardrail, and new pavement markings and signage.
Nitsch designed the replacement of existing sidewalks along the north side of the road and the construction of new sidewalks along the south side. Trees were removed as needed to construct the new sidewalk and erosion control measures were installed to protect adjacent wetland resource areas. Nitsch surveyed the project area and developed preliminary design plans. We provided the City with a complete matrix of potential project impacts to assist in the coordination and review with abutters. We also assisted with the bidding process and award. Our construction administration services included periodic site visits, review of contractor submittals, and response to contractor Requests for Information (RFIs).
Key Collaborators
Owner: City of Waltham